Wellness Page Vision

Our vision is to provide quality support to both staff and clients in their personal and professional development of healthier lifestyles.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Burbank Trails

If you're looking for a way to get in a bit of exercise, clear your head, or just take in this season's beautiful foliage, consider the Burbank Trails. It has great trails, the foliage is picturesque and the sounds of the miniature waterfalls are very relaxing. Grab a friend, your comfortable shoes and a camera, and enjoy!                                              (located right behind the staff overflow parking lot)

Staff Adult Fitness

Only about one-fifth of adults get the amount of physical activity they need.
Join us on Mondays and Thursdays from 5:15-5:45p in the first floor cafe for a full body workout.

Free, bring your water and your workout gear. RSVP w/ Maria at ext.8574.

Water Wednesdays

Sugar sweetened beverages contribute more calories and added sugars to our diet than any other food or beverage.
On Wednesdays, replace your regular juice, soda or Gatorade with water. Simple!!
Let's get healthier together!