Wellness Page Vision

Our vision is to provide quality support to both staff and clients in their personal and professional development of healthier lifestyles.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Get Some Sleep...For Your Health

Chronic Sleep Deprivation can be linked to...
* type 2 diabetes
* obesity
* heart disease
* kidney disease
* stroke
* cancer
* depression
While You Sleep...
* you produce hormones
* heal damaged blood vessels
* form new brain pathways that help you learn and remember
Reasons to Get To Sleep...
* blood-sugar effects of poor sleep disappear after nine nights of good rest
* makes it easier to eat healthier
* drive without falling asleep or having an accident
* increase productivity at work
* increased ability to learn and remember in work and school
* Keep the same sleep schedule during the week and on weekends.
*Use the hour before bedtime to unwind.
* Keep your bedroom quiet, dark and on the cool side.
* Avoid high protein foods 2-3 hours before bedtime.
* Turn the alarm clock face so that you cannot see the time if you wake in the middle of the night.
* Keep a journal & pen near your bed to write down racing thoughts that might keep you from sleep.

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