Wellness Page Vision

Our vision is to provide quality support to both staff and clients in their personal and professional development of healthier lifestyles.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Stretching At Work

Create Yourself

Eating Right While Eating Out

*Most restaurants now have nutrition information available online and some even have it in-house. If you know where you are going, you can pre-plan your meal so that you know exactly what your getting and have your mind made up before you get there.
*Eating a small salad or fruit and drinking water prior to arrival will decrease the amount that you eat.
*Ask for a carry out box when you order so that you can divide up your meal before you even begin eating.
*If your meal comes with sides, make them the healthier choice by getting veggies, or whole wheat carbs.
*Check the nutritional information on the desserts as well prior to ordering. A lot of the desserts found in restaurants have add calories and you can have that same dessert at home for less money and with less junk. *Preparing a dessert before you head out can prevent you from ordering dessert because you'll be thinking about whats waiting at home.
*If you do order a dessert after your meal, share it. You will eat slower if you're talking and taking small bites and you'll feel better that you didn't consume as many calories. Most people don't overeat a dessert that they are sharing because they don't want to be "that person".
*Make yourself a promise that in order to earn dessert, whether at home or at the restaurant, you need to have completed a workout and eat all your veggies.
*Order water with your meal and a refill with your dessert.
*Skip the bread, opt for the green salad. Be mindful of the salad dressings, gravies, thick creams and condiments, which can add hundreds of extra calories to an otherwise healthy meal.
*Say No to the soda refill. Everything is okay, in moderation. If you want to splurge on a soda, go for it but opt for water in the refill.
*Say No to fried foods, pick baked, broiled or grilled.
* If you really need something sweet after your meal, pack a few mints or LifeSavers in your bag. They freshen your breath, quench your sugar craving and are super low in calories.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Delicious Cold Weather CrockPot Stew

Easy Veggie Stew

1 chopped zuchinni
1 chopped squash
1/2 carton of cherry tomatoes- cut in half
1 cup chopped broccoli
2 tbsps sofrito
1 tbsp minced garlic
1 tbsp chili powder
2 cups of water or sodium free vegetable stock
1 tsp pepper
1-2 pinches of sea salt

*Mix thoroughly, cover and set on low for 4-5 hours
*Try to mix every hour or so.

*You can also add chicken, turkey kielbasa, potatoes or gnocchi.
*Sofrito: blended green peppers, garlic, onions, cilantro, oregano.

*Enjoy hot! It's delicious, nutritious and hardy!!
*Have a small green salad on the side.

Something Good

Lobby Project: Sugar Sweetened Beverages

THANK You to all of you who stopped by our Mass in Motion Sugar Sweetened beverages display table. A lot of us were shocked by the amount of sugar that is actually in each of these drinks. It really helped drive home the point of drinking these in moderation and making water your Go-To Drink of choice. 
Stop by Next THURSDAY, January 31 for more information on other ways to keep yourself and your family healthy.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Add These to Your SuperFoods

Taken from the January 2013 edition of Market Basket's Healthy Choices for Healthy Living magazine.

Acai- High in Vitamin C, E and iron this fruit has large seeds which make it difficult to eat so getting it a juice, extract or powder is usually easier. it is also rich in antioxidants.

Cacao- One of the most antioxidant-rich foods available, one of the best plant sources of magnesium, and high in Vitamin E, it is good for your insides and your outsides. It is easily absorbed by the skin and great for stretch marks and adds moisture and shine to hair.

Chia Seeds- Use as a crunchy topping to salads, or add to drinks, smoothies and baking for extra nutrition. Its hydrophilic qualities draw moisture to skin and hair. to reduce wrinkles and acne, add 1-3 tablespoons of chia seeds to your daily intake. It is also high in omega-3 fatty acids and 1 tablespoon contains 1/4 of the daily recommended dose of fiber, so you feel fuller and portion control becomes easier.

Green Tea-The numerous antioxidant properties make this tea beneficial in combating disease, helps repair skin damage, and can help prevent UV induced skin damage as well as DNA damage. If you don't care for the taste ad citrus to it or replace some of your liquids in recipes with green tea.

Pomegranate- Especially rich in vitamin C, potassium, folate, and magnesium, this tasty fruit may help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Pomegranate is available as bottled juice or whole fruit and can be used in salads, desserts, entrees, smoothies and salad dressing.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


FREE Start off the New Year with a Safe Exercise Routine

Wednesday, January 23th, 2013 at

HealthAlliance Hospital • Leominster Campus
Guild Conference Room, Entrance F
60 Hospital Road, Leominster, Ma 01453

Light refreshments will be served
This is a FREE event, but registration is required.
To register or for more information, call 978-466-2191.
At this lecture you will learn:
Community Health & Education is sponsored by:
• Essentials to beginning an exercise program; aerobic and weight training
• Alternatives and modifications to accommodate individual limitations and health issues

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sentinel and Enterprise Article on Fun N' Fit

Great video clip and article on Fun N'Fit and Mass in Motion.


Gardening Volunteer Opportunities

It may not seem like gardening season yet with snow still on the ground but we're actively processing new gardener applications, building the frames in our warehouse, and ordering seeds and seedlings. 

We are always looking for more help! Below are descriptions of our 2013 volunteer opportunities during the growing season. 

Garden Mentor: With the beds or containers in place, Growing Places Garden Project's Mentors provide support and encouragement to gardeners at all levels to develop an array of valuable gardening skills by providing hands-on advice and support. Garden Mentors serve every gardener - from experienced do-it-yourselfer to the self-proclaimed 
black thumbs. Mentors ensure that our gardens succeed given the skills, needs, and interests of the individual and family gardeners. Growing Places' Mentors help us build better gardens, one gardener at a time.   

Garden Installation Crew: Each garden requires a crew to install the frames, fill them with soil, and prep them for the gardener's use. Each standard three bed build takes approximately three hours and requires about four to five (4-5) volunteers. This is a great service experience for corporations, schools, scouts, church groups or families and friends just looking to have a good time working in the outdoors.   

PTo sign up to volunteer please contact our Assistant Garden Program Coordinator, Anna Finstein, at anna@growingplaces.org or 978.598.3723, Ext 803   

Monday, January 14, 2013


Push-Ups are a great exercise that anyone can do, just about anywhere. I wouldn't recommend you doing them at the grocery store but you can do them at home and at work.
Push-Ups are fantastic because anyone at any fitness level can accomplish a version of the push-up and reap the physical and muscular benefits.

Essentially there are three levels of Push-Ups:
                                     Beginner (knees and feet are on the floor),
                                     Intermediate (knees are on the floor but legs are crossed and raised), 
                                    Advanced (knees are off the floor).
So, there's no excuses. They are also great because you can do them off of the counter while you wait for your lunch to heat up or off your desk on your way to a meeting, during commercials of your favorite shows or while waiting for the dryer. 

Here are some benefits of Push-Ups:
          * They work several body parts: fingers, hands, biceps, triceps, shoulders, forearms, upper and lower back, abdominal, and eventually quads, hamstrings and calves.
          * They build endurance. The more you do them and the better you get, your endurance level rises and endurance is great for many life events, not just exercise.
          * They contribute to muscle growth. More muscle burns more fat. Enough said.
          * They will give you amazing arms. As a woman, who has ever waved, you know why that's important, and what man doesn't want sculpted biceps?
          * Muscle mass helps prevent injuries. Again, this applies in and out of the gym.
          * They are FREE!! You don't need any special equipment or a gym membership. FREE and beneficial! It's time to include push-ups into your workouts and if you don't do workouts, its time to start.

Parent's Cafe

LOVE is the main ingredient
 in keeping your family strong
come to the Parent Café to

·         Meet new people
·         Share Ideas
·         Learn about resources in the Community
·         Learn ways to get involved with The Arc Resource Center &
         Strengthening Families
·         Share your hopes and dreams for your family
·         Build a stronger community
é, we share information and ideas that help us take care of ourselves, raise strong children, and build strong relationships with our kids.
Date:   February 6, 2013     Time:   5:00pm to 7:00pm

      Location:   The Arc of Opportunity, 564 Main Street, Fitchburg, MA 01420
      Enter at Reception Area in rear

call: Jim at 978- 343-6662 ext. 125 for more information

Capacity of 35 participants. Group Activities. Dinner Provided.

The Wonders of Water


Drink More Water to Lose Weight

Why Drinking Water Helps You Lose Weight

Updated Jan 9 2013 - 11:38am · Posted by · 1 comment
You know that drinking enough water every day helps boost the immune system and helps to keep you looking young, but did you know it can also help in your quest to lose weight? That's because many people confuse dehydration with hunger, causing them to eat more when all their body is craving is a tall glass of water. Drinking enough H2O is an easy way to help your belly feel satisfied without overeating.
Drinking water helps your waistline in other ways, too. A recent study showed that dehydrated people did fewer reps and felt tired faster when they were exercising, which can mean hundreds of fewer calories burned. Also, making a habit of drinking water with lemon throughout the day helps many people feel less bloated — hello, flat abs!
Want to use water to your weight-loss advantage? The next time you feel like snacking, have a glass of water first to see how hungry you feel afterward. And when you sit down at a restaurant, make sure you drink a glass of water before ordering those deep-fried appetizers. You can also keep a big pitcher of lemon, mint, cucumber, and ginger water in your fridge to help you detox and debloat all day long.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Youth Hip-Hop Class Starts This THURSDAY!!

Urban Jazz/ Hip-Hop
ages 8-12
Starting January 10, 2013
Thursdays from 5-6p

FREE with Boys & Girls Club membership
Sign up by calling the Boys & Girls Club
365 Lindell Ave Leominster, MA 01453

WOMEN'S HEALTH- FREE App for 30 Days

If you have an I-Pad or a tablet, you can get 30 days FREE Women's Health App and get workouts and recipes every day! Here's the link:

Do it for yourself today!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Fitchburg Art Museum FREE 1st Thursdays

Fitchburg First Thursday is a monthly celebration of arts, family, activities and shopping. It takes place on the first Thursday of each month throughout downtown Fitchburg.

The Fitchburg Art Museum will have free admission on every first Thursday 4pm to 8pm as part of Mayor Wong's First Thursday celebrations.
For the younger visitor, there are activity sheets to do whilst they wander the Museum.
Free guided tours at 5:30 - except July and August.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Adult Fitness

Only about one-fifth of adults get the
amount of physical activity they need.


· Exercise combats health conditions and diseases
· Speeds up recovery from surgery or injury
· Improves mood & self-esteem
· Controls weight
· Boosts energy
· Promotes better sleep
· Improves flexibility & strength
· Improves the way you look in your jeans

You + 1 hour + music + $3=
Stretching, Strength Training, Conditioning, Toning, Cardio, & Feeling Great

All levels welcome!

Starts Jan 10, 2013
Thursdays from 6-7p
Dance Studio near Gym
Boys & Girls Club
365 Lindell Ave Leominster, MA

RSVP Required 978.590.0216
Release must be signed prior to participation.
ONLY $3 per person

Stop Waiting, Pick Up The Weights

Most women who work out have a tendency to only do cardio exercises, thinking they only need a treadmill or elliptical machine in order to get an effective workout. Those are both great cardio workout machines, but, ladies, lets not forget the importance of strength training. Don't worry lifting weight does not mean that you are going to look like this: 

This is nearly impossible for woman because our genetic makeup involves too much estrogen and not enough testosterone. The only way to look like this is to use enhancements, aka steroids, consume chicken with every meal and snack and allow weight training to be your full time job. So relax, this is not going to happen. You can increase your results by including strength training into your workouts.
 Yahoo! Health has the top 9 reasons why every woman should include weight lifting and/or using your own body weight (strength training) in exercises incorporated with your cardio.
I added the last one. :-)

(For the full article click the link below.)
1. Increase your metabolism.
2. Burn more fat.
3. Tighten your body.
4. Reduce your risk or heart disease and diabetes.
5. Lower your blood pressure.
6. You will look fantastic in your skinny jeans.
7. You can do it anytime and anywhere.
8. You will blast calories.
9. Its good for your bones.
10. Summer will be here before you know it.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Slowly Winning the Fight Against Obesity

"Fitchburg Wins Round One Fight Against Obesity."
News story on 90.9 wbur Boston's NPR News Station by Martha Bebinger.
This story highlights the work of Fitchburg Public Schools and Mass in Motion in daycares and preschools that have created an effective reduction in Fitchburg's childhood obesity rate.


Delicious Pineapple Salsa


makes about 2 1/2 cups
Pour over baked or grilled chicken for a delicious and nutritious meal.

*2 cups diced fresh pineapple
*1 cup roma tomato chopped
*1 cup diced red pepper
*1/2 cup chopped cilantro
*1/4 cup finely chopped red onion
*3 tablespoons finely chopped jalapeno pepper, stemmed and seeded or cayenne pepper to taste
*1 clove garlic, minced
*Juice of 1 large lime
submitted by Michelle Allen


     I stared at the brand new sled that I got last winter, on clearance, at Target and realized that it was shiny, had all of its original stickers and even the price tag. That's unacceptable. So, I sent out a blast text to everyone in my phone who lives in the area and asked them where they go sledding. Most responded with places that charge a fee. I thanked them for their suggestion and deleted those text messages. In a city that is the second hilliest in the United States, it just doesn't make sense to pay to slid down a hill. Then I got 2 unanimous responses: Southeast School in Leominster and Cherry Hill in Lunenburg. I bundled my child and myself in multiple layers of clothing, much like the younger brother from A Christmas Story, grabbed the sled and headed to the closer of the 2 locations.
     Cherry Hill is known for their delicious summer ice cream but I had no idea that the roaring hilltops were also a place for winter fun and exercise. Yes, exercise. That hill is a lot steeper than it looks and climbing back up is a serious leg workout. Two hours later, after flying off the sleds, crashing into other children, flipping through the air, involuntarily eating snow and ice, clearing brush with our bodies, laughing till we literally cried, and screaming while zipping down the steeper parts of the hill, it was decided that this was our new favorite and free winter activity. I decided that as an added exercise I would pull my child up the hill in her sled. That was my day's workout! The sweat dripped down my back made me forget that I was in the snow in 25 degree weather. Yes, exercise can be fun too.
     We got home, cuddled by the heater with hot cocoa and laughed at the adventures of the day. The sled in the corner was now scratched, stickers completely worn off, dripping from the melting snow and there was a slight chip on the front, just the way a sled should look. My daughter laid her head on my arm and said "Thanks Mom, that was the best day ever!"

Sleds are as cheap as $5 at Walmart and clearance for $2-3 at other places. Grab a sled, bundle up yourself and your child(ren) and head to a hill for some winter sledding fun and exercise. Please be aware that this, like most other activities that involve hills and fast moving objects, can cause bodily injury and people with certain injuries should not participate. Sled at your own risk.