Wellness Page Vision

Our vision is to provide quality support to both staff and clients in their personal and professional development of healthier lifestyles.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Family Fun at HOME


What You Need:
Using scrap paper cut into strips
regular piece of scrap paper
An old cup or even a can or container that is small and without sharp edges
Crayons, markers, pen
scissors and tape

What To Do:
Think of a bunch of fun things that you and your child can do together (not involving the TV, computer, etc.)
Write each one on a strip of recycled scrap paper
Fold up each strip and throw it in the cup or container
Have your child color a picture on a larger piece of paper that can wrap around the cup or container
Tape it onto the cup or container
Shake the cup and have your child pull out a game and have fun

Some Fun Ideas:
Tic Tac Toe with teddy bears on the floor
Duck Duck Goose with everyone in the house
Hide and Seek
Fitness Contest
Hula Hoop
Balloon Play
Freeze Dance
Crazy Dance
You're a Rock Star (each member gets a chance to perform while the others watch and applaud)
Go For A Walk
Simon Says

Be Consistent:
Providing your child with quality play time everyday is essential to their development and learning. Pull out your cup and let the fun begin. Add different games or activities as time goes on.

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