Thanksgiving Tips:
*Use smaller plates so you can more easily control your portion sizes.
*Drink lots of water before and during your meals. It helps fill you up so you eat less.
*Have a tall glass of skim or 1% milk with your dessert. It will fill you up faster and may prevent you from going back for that second slice.
*Take the time to sit down and slowly enjoy your dessert. If you take the time to enjoy each taste then you are less likely to need that second piece because the first one was eaten so fast that you don't remember what it taste like.
*Make a commitment with a friend or family member that every time you hear a code word you will do an exercise. For example: FOOTBALL MEANS 10 JUMPING JACKS. Its fun, makes you feel better about eating that extra scoop of stuffing and having a buddy keeps you accountable.
*Hold a contest to see who gets the last piece of ___________. For example: most amount of push ups in one minute, or who can do 20 push ups faster.
*Put on music and let the children do what comes naturally, dance. Join them.
*Enjoy the company of your family and friends. Life is not life without relationships, love, and laughter.
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