Wellness Page Vision

Our vision is to provide quality support to both staff and clients in their personal and professional development of healthier lifestyles.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mass in Motion Kids Health Fair

Mass In Motion Kids Health Fair
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Fitchburg State University
Main Lounge, Hammond Building
160 Pearl Street

Snack Tip

Popcorn made the old fashioned way on the stove is a healthful and inexpensive snack. For just pennies, you can make a huge bowful of popcorn sprinkled with seasoned salt. Plus, oil-popped corn has only 55 calories per cup and it's a whole grain.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

5 SuperFruits You Should Be Eating


Here’s the List

  1. Blueberries: While many exotic fruits, such as the acai berry, have been hyped in recent years as the secret to health and weight loss, many of the same health benefits found in these Brazilian berries can also be found in your local produce section. U.S.-grown blueberries contain an abundant amount of antioxidants, which help fight free radicals in the body and are available at a fraction of the cost of their exotic cousins.
  2. Plums: Even more inexpensive than blueberries, studies have shown that plums actually match or exceed the number of antioxidants found in blueberries. Research indicates that plums may also have cancer fighting properties.
  3. Cranberries: Like blueberries and plums, cranberries have very high levels of antioxidants and phytochemicals which aid in disease prevention by neutralizing free radicals in the body. Cranberries also contain vitamin C, dietary fiber, manganese and as well as a number of other essential micronutrients.
  4. Cherries: Often overshadowed by other fruit, cherries have emerged as a superfruit as well. Cherries contain a unique blend of antioxidants and beneficial phytonutrients that have been known to improve heart health and also have anti-inflammatory properties.
  5. Grapes: Like the rest of the fruits in this list, grapes contain a high level of antioxidants and phytonutrients. Many of the phytonutrients found in grapes are now believed to play a role in longevity.
You’ll notice a common theme in this list. Our 5 superfruits you should be eating list is made up entirely of red, purple and blue berries. Blackberries, gooseberries, raspberries and currants could also be added to this list. They all contain high levels of antioxidants and studies have shown that people who eat a diet high in antioxidants have a lower risk of heart disease, cancer and several other diseases.

Top 10 Worse American Restaurant Meals...


You will be surprised, disgusted or really sad. Check it out...

Monday, February 25, 2013

Quote of the week

"The difference between the POSSIBLE and the IMPOSSIBLE lies in a person's DETERMINATION." ~Tommy Lasorda

(taken at the MOC Office on Prichard St. Fitchburg)


Doing something nice for someone doesn't have to cost much, contributes to workplace wellness and is nice for both the giver and the receiver. A co-worker gave me an orange this morning and I have to admit that it really brightened up my day. It was a very sweet, simple and unexpected gesture that made me realize that my week is off to a great start.

Here are 7 fun facts about oranges:

1. Oranges and orange blossoms have long been symbols of love.

2. Oranges were once considered the fruit of the gods; they were referred to as the "golden apples" that Hercules stole.

3. An orange is actually a type of berry called the hesperidium.

4. Oranges have vitamin C, calcium, folacin, potassium, thiamine, hiacin, & magnesium.

5. Running orange peels through the disposal gives your kitchen that lovely citrus smell and boiling the peels will coat your entire house in the fragance.

6. Orange peels are great astrigents and can be used to treat acne prone skin. Make a paste of the peel and a little of the juice, put on skin for 15 mins & rinse.

7. Orange peel oils are a great moisturizer and keep pesky ants and mosquitos away.

So, the next time you enjoy an orange, enjoy all of the other things it can do for you too!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Save The Date....

Who? You, your children, your family, your friends, everyone from everywhere.

What? Mass In Motion Kids Health Fair

When? WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20th from 5:30-7:30p

Where? Fitchburg State University, Main Lobby, Hammond Building
Across from the library.

Why? To teach families about Mass in Motion and healthy behaviors.

How? FREE. Lots of AMAZING RAFFLE PRIZES and FUN things for the entire family!!
Some prizes are- FAMILY 4 Pack to the Ecotarium, Market Basket $25 gift cards & much more.

Also....there will be activities, face painting, FREE food, interactive demos by Wachusett CrossFit, Modern Martial Arts, and MOC Peer Educators.


CHC Walking Club

CHC Walking Club

Walking is one of the simplest and safest aerobic exercises you can do. It will help you strengthen your bones, control your weight, and condition your heart and lungs.

· Decrease the risk of heart attack/ type 2 diabetes
· Control weight/ burns body fat
· Improve muscle tone
· Reduce Stress
· Increases energy
· Lowers high blood pressure
· improves efficiency of your heart and lungs

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
(begins March 4, 2013)
Meet in front lobby with sneakers on. (weather pending)

Let’s get healthier together!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Good Mood

Click the Adult Fitness Tab for a new workout.
You are 30 minutes away from a healthier and happier you.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

CHC Walking Club

CHC Walking Club

Walking is one of the simplest and safest aerobic exercises you can do. It will help you strengthen your bones, control your weight, and condition your heart and lungs.

· Decrease the risk of heart attack/ type 2 diabetes
· Control weight/ burns body fat
· Improve muscle tone
· Reduce Stress
· Increases energy
· Lowers high blood pressure
· improves efficiency of your heart and lungs

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
(begins March 4, 2013)
Meet in front lobby with sneakers on. (weather pending)

Let’s get healthier together!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Easy Chicken Salsa

Prep Time: 10 minutes

1 crate of cherry tomatoes, cut in halves
1 medium sized onion, chopped small
1/4 cup scallions, chopped small
1 medium sized green, chopped small 
1/4 cup of cilantro or parsley
2 tbsps lemon or lime juice
1 garlic, minced
salt and pepper to taste
a dash of chili powder (optional)

* combine all of the above ingredients in a bowl or jar with a lid
* tightly secure the lid
* holding the lid down and the bottom, shake until all blended
* put in the fridge for at least 2 hours

Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes

1 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsps of sofrito
1/4 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp onion powder
a few sprinkles of pepper
1/4 cup shredded cheese

* put pan on medium heat with 1 tbsp olive oil
* rinse chicken & chop into small cubes
* season chicken in a metal bowl with chili powder, salt, onion powder and pepper
* add Sofrito to the pan and allow to simmer
* add chicken to pan and mix thoroughly
* cook on medium heat for 15 minutes, stir frequently
* make sure chicken is thoroughly cooked before serving

- On dessert plate place about a deck of cards size of chicken
- Add salsa to the top or on the side
- Sprinkle with cheese and add a few tortilla chips on the side
- Enjoy a healthy, delicious and easy lunch, dinner, or snack.

Later you can use extras in a quesadilla, in a spinach wrap, or with brown rice.


Intense workouts not your thing? Try yoga. Or try yoga anyways.

We all know Jillian Michaels of The Biggest Loser and this yoga workout made me feel longer, stronger and more relaxed. The video has a modified, intermediate and advanced levels so anyone can do it:

If you don't have 35 minutes, here is a fast version, only 5 minutes, that you can do in the morning to jump start your day or end it:

For all the pregnant women out there, here is a link for a prenatal yoga class on YouTube:

Future mamas, you can purchase a yoga DVD from Walmart and do it in the comfort of your own home.  Here is a link to some of those inexpensive and valuable pregnancy yoga videos.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Love Yourself

This Valentine's Day commit to LOVE Yourself.
Love yourself by giving your body the best foods, exercising, and taking the time to do the things you enjoy doing, with the people you love.
You Deserve It!

Market Basket Website...

Yes, you read that right! Market Basket has a website. Go there and find coupons, what's on sale and even recipes.


For example, click the link to get the recipe for these Delicious and Healthy Pumpkin Cream Cupcakes

Monday, February 4, 2013


Don't forget to check out the UPCOMING EVENTS LINK! It's right on the top of this page. There are lots of great things happening in and around Fitchburg for you and your entire family. Contact information for the event is available on each post. Check it out and start filling your calender with NEW, FUN, and EXCITING things to do during the month of February.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Mass in Motion Family Fun Hour

Thank you to all of you who came out and joined us at our FIRST Family Fun Hour at the Fitchburg Public Library. We had so much fun and families walked away with FUN CUPS, creatively designed by their children, that were full of fun ideas of things to do when you shut off the TV, computers and video games. They were also able to plant seeds to grow their very own healthy fruits and vegetables, tending to those plants are yet another activity that they can do with their TV free time.

Also, thank you to Gardening Places and the MOC Peer Leaders for their amazing contributions.

It was a success because you showed up and participated! You are awesome!!! Thank you again.

Next Family Fun Hour at Fitchburg Public Library is FEBRUARY 21, 2013 from 5-6p.

Lobby Project

A BIG Thank You to all of you in the CHC Community who stopped by our table and learned more about ways to get the kid's off the TV, computer and video games by replacing that with other FUN activities.
We had a hoola hoop there and some staff took part of the fun and got a little core workout as well....you know who you are...THANK YOU!!!

See you all next week!!

Don't Have Time To Work Out

If you don't think you have any time to workout consider this 8 minute workout from Women's Health Magazine. As with any workout the goal is to do as many repetitions as you can in the time allowed but with good form. Doing an exercise the wrong way can not have as effective an effect on your muscles and can even cause injury. For proper techniques, take the time to look up any of the moves below on youtube so that you can have a visual guide as to what to do and more importantly, what not to do.
So, try these 8 exercises for 50 seconds each. Give yourself a quick 10 second rest and move onto the next one. The goal is to push yourself, challenge and confuse your muscles, and get it done in a shorter amount of time. It's only 8 minutes and when it is done, you will be glad that you did it!
Pick a date and a time and make it happen.

1- Power Squat aka Squat Jumps

2-Bucking Hop aka Plank Jumps

3-T-Rotation aka Plank Twist
4- Hip Extensions

5-Judo Pushup aka Dive Bomber

6- Duck Walk

7- Plank Walkups

8-Speed Skater Hops

For more details of each workout click here: http://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/body-weight-power-squat?workout=36119