Wellness Page Vision

Our vision is to provide quality support to both staff and clients in their personal and professional development of healthier lifestyles.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

3 Great Things To Do With Snow...

Many consider snow shoveling a necessary evil. However, done with caution and preparation, shoveling can be a fun and simple exercise. As long as you're physically fit and don't take on too much of the white stuff at once, shoveling can be part of a healthy winter exercise routine. Regular exercise strengthens bones and muscle, combats illness, relieves stress, improves mood, assists in good sleep patterns and is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.
Calorie Burner: Shoveling is a great calorie burner. A half-hour of moderate snow shoveling can burn more than 250 calories and help maintain weight during the holiday-heavy season.
Cardiovascular: Cardiovascular or aerobic exercise is important for your heart and circulatory system. Any exercise that involves large muscle groups, like your legs, is beneficial to your heart and lungs and can help lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol.
Muscle Development: Bending, lifting, reaching and tossing with a weight of snow at the end of a shovel is good for muscle tone and development.
Vitamin D: Depending on where you live and how much skin is exposed during your shoveling endeavor, you may be lucky enough to absorb a little of the winter-elusive UVB rays that help your body make Vitamin D.
Caution: While snow shoveling can have health benefits, many people make the mistake of thinking of it only as necessary task and not as the strenuous exercise it is. Even healthy adults should exercise caution by stretching before and after shoveling, taking frequent breaks, staying hydrated and avoiding overexertion. And people with heart or other serious medical conditions should avoid the activity altogether.

Read more: Physical Benefits of Shoveling Snow | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/info_8592862_physical-benefits-shoveling-snow.html#ixzz2GGeJKOaY


Ski Ward Ski Area, located in Shrewsbury, MA has lots to offer those in search of fun winter activities. If your primary interest is tubing then make your way to "Tubaslide", Ski Ward's snow tubing center. Here you will find all the elements to make for a fun day for your family or a group of friends. There is very little waiting in the Tubaslide area because there are six highly active chutes running. Once down you discover that the old days of dragging your snow equipment back to the top of the hill are a nightmare from the past. Tubaslide is equipped with rope towing that will whisk you and your tube back to the top for another great run. Ski Ward has in place snow making equipment that will keep operation humming throughout the winter months regardless of the amount of natural precipitation. For just $19 you can enjoy two full hours on the slopes. With the quick lift to the top which allows for so many extra runs, two hours generally satisfies even the snow tubing diehards for a while. Read more at www.skiward.com

Building a snowman is not only a great activity for the entire family but it is also good exercise. Our sonwmen are usually about 2 feet tall and look more rectangular than anything. But, we always have so much fun making them.

How to Build a Snowman from Buzzle.com

For people who live in cold countries where there is abundant snowfall during the winter months, building a snowman is a good pastime. Although snow restricts our options for moving around, it is the same snow that we can use to build a snowman in the yard or out in the open where there is enough snow around. So, for those who are wondering how to build a snow, here we go...

Factors to Consider

The first and foremost aspect to consider for those who want to know how to build a snowman is to make sure that the snow is of the right kind. The snow should be wet just enough so that it can be easily packed. Test this by taking some snow in hand and make a ball out of it. The ball must stay together and not crumble easily.

One also needs to decide the size and the place where the snowman is supposed to stand. In case it is a large snowman and the place which is chosen for it to stand is far off from where the balls are made, then carrying it over to the site will a difficult task. Also one needs to understand that the top and the middle balls of snow need to be lifted up and placed on the lower balls one on top of the other. Hence, the size of the snowman should be decided keeping in mind the number of people who are building the snowman.

Steps for Building a Snowman

The Belly - Lowest Portion
Take a small amount of snow and start making a ball by pressing the snow together with your hand. Once it becomes too large to be handled by you, place the ball on the ground and roll it over the snow around. As you roll it, more snow will stick to the ball. Press this snow firmly onto the ball. Roll the ball in all directions so that snow sticks to all sides and what you get is a good spherical ball of snow that is equally round on all sides. This is the bottom potion of your snowman. Place this ball of snow to a place where you want the snowman to stand. You definitely don't want to shift the position of your entire snowman after it has been made. Scoop some snow out from the top in the center of this ball so that the next ball of snow can be placed comfortably over this ball that forms the lowest portion of the snowman.

The Heart - Middle Portion
Now make the middle portion of the snowman. This is as we call the 'heart and soul' of the snowman. Start the same way as you did while making the lowest ball of snow. Take some snow in hand. Make a ball by pressing the snow together. Now roll the ball over in all direction and press the snow that accumulates around it. Only remember that this ball has to be smaller than the lowest ball, say about two third the size of the lower ball. Also be sure that the snow in this ball is all clumped tightly together. I am sure you do not want the snowball to crumble when you are placing it over the other ball, do you? Make a hollow at the top in the center as you had made in the previous ball. Now gently place this middle ball over the hollowed area on the lowest ball. Put some more snow around the place where the two balls are in contact. Press the snow firmly and clean out the extra snow to give a clean look to the meeting edges of the two balls.

The Head - Top Portion
This is the last ball of snow and has to be done the same way as the other two balls. Only that it has to smaller than the middle ball that makes up the snowman. Place it on the scoop that is made on the top central portion of the middle ball and seal the joining place with some tightly packed snow and remove the extra amount.

The Face
Making a snowman is not just about piling one ball of snow on top of the other. Now that you have built your own snowman, what about giving it some identity? You can use coal, rocks or even paper dishes (depending upon the size of the snowman) for the eyes. For the face, arrange pieces of coal, pebbles or rocks into a smile. For the nose, the most common option is to use a carrot. Alternatively one could also use a fir cone, tangerine or anything else that you wish to choose. Only be careful that while inserting these objects, the snow ball does not crumble.

The Arms
Though some wish to leave their snowman without arms, one with its appendages looks more attractive. One can use sticks or even snow to make his snowman's arms. It is better to have the sticks slanting slightly upwards or downwards than sticking right out of the sides of the snowman horizontally. In case you want your snowman to hold a broomstick, ensure that the end of the stick is buried a few inches below the snow. This is to ensure that it is not blown away by a strong gust of wind. Also be careful that while inserting the stick into your snowman. Just as with the nose, the snowball may crumble if the sticks are inserted in haste.

What about putting a muffler around the neck of your snowman? Not only would it give a look that it is ready to face the cold out there but also break the monotony of white color. Just ensure that you tie the muffler into a neat knot so that it stays where it is supposed to be - around the neck of your snowman. You could put some leafy branch of a tree for hair of the snowman. If you are planning to provide your snowman with a hat, consider knit hats as they are better options than top hats that tend to be blown away by wind if not secured. Scarves is a good alternative to hats.

This was just one of the ways for those who want to know how to build a snowman. Alternatively, instead of using two balls of snow for the body, one could just make a single mound and place a round ball of snow for the head on top of the body. As far as decorating and giving a real look to your snowman is concerned, the sky is the limit. Enjoy your winters holidays and build your own snowman!

Honey Glazed Squash Recipe

I found this recipe because someone gave me a winter squash. I simplified the process by laying out the cut pieces of squash in a casserole dish and glazing with 1 tbsp of honey and 1 tbsp with olive oil instead of butter. I covered the dish with aluminum foil and throw it in the oven along side the chicken. I moved it around every 5 minutes. It cooked total for about 30 minutes, the oven was on 375. During the last 5 minutes I added the second tbsp of honey. When the chicken was done, so was the squash and dinner was delicious. 
  • 1 1/2 pounds buttercup squash (or other winter squash)
  • 1/4 cup melted butter (or margarine)
  • GLAZE:
  • 1/4 cup melted butter (or margarine)
  • 2 tablespoons honey

  • Pierce skin of squash several times and place on a microwave-safe plate in the microwave; cook on high for 6 to 8 minutes. This will soften the squash slightly, making it easier to cut in half.  Overcooking at this point will make the squash fall apart when handling.
  • After microwaving, allow the squash to sit for 2 or 3 minutes. Cut in half crosswise and remove seeds and stringy fibers from the center. Peel away the outer skin of the squash and then cut the two halves into approximately 1 1/2" cubes.
  • Thread the squash cubes onto metal skewers and brush with 1/4 cup melted butter. Place the squash on the grill over indirect high heat and close the cover. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes. Turn 2 or 3 times throughout the cooking time and baste with leftover melted butter.
  • While squash is cooking, mix 1/4 cup melted butter and honey together and heat in microwave until hot. Squash is done if tender when poked with a fork. When done, remove the squash from the grill and place on a platter. Brush the squash with the honey and butter mixture. Serve while hot.
Recipe from http://www.recipetips.com/recipe-cards/t--1976/honey-grilled-squash.asp

Benefits of Yellow Squash

June 17, 2011 from EAT THIS! http://www.healthdiaries.com/eatthis/8-health-benefits-of-yellow-squash.html
Yellow squash is a type of summer squash that grows all over the United States and is easily found at local farmers markets, roadside vegetable stands and grocery stores. Yellow squash is rich in nutritional benefits and can be used in a wide variety of dishes. Add it to stews, salads and soups to avail yourself of this nutritious vegetable.
Here are eight health benefits of this versatile vegetable:
Low in Calories
A cup of yellow squash contains only about 36 calories, 7 grams of carbohydrates, less than one gram of fat, and a gram of protein. It is also cholesterol-free. The few calories it contains come mostly from its carbohydrate content, which is also particularly low. If you are trying to lose weight, yellow squash is a great choice to replace higher calorie vegetables like potatoes and corn.
Vitamin Rich
Yellow squash is a brilliant source of vitamin C and a very good source of magnesium, vitamin A (particularly in its concentration of carotenoids, including beta-carotene), fiber, folate, copper, riboflavin and phosphorus.
It is also abundant in potassium, providing 345.60 milligrams per serving. Potassium is a key electrolyte in the balance of fluids and also provides muscle energy.
In addition, it is high in manganese, a mineral which helps the body process fats, carbohydrates, and glucose.
Cancer Prevention
Yellow squash is abundant in antioxidants that keep free radicals at bay. With its high beta-carotene content, yellow squash is a great source of protection from pollutants and chemicals that lead to cancer. It is also high in vitamin C, which helps prevent premature aging and cancer as well as inhibiting cell division.
Heart Health
Yellow squash contains negligable fat and no measurable cholesterol. One cup of squash contains about 0.2 g of fat. Cutting down on your fat and cholesterol intake is a giant step towards helping reduce your risk of heart disease.
The magnesium found in yellow squash has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Along with its potassium content, magnesium is good for reducing high blood pressure. The vitamin C and beta-carotene levels in yellow squash may also aid in preventing the oxidation of cholesterol. As cholesterol in its oxidized form builds up in the walls of blood vessels, such nutrients may reduce the development of atherosclerosis. The presence of the vitamin folate in yellow squash is required by our bodies to remove an unhealthy metabolic byproduct called homocysteine, which may contribute to heart attack and stroke risk.
While the nutrients in squash combine to make a heart healthy, disease-preventing food, yellow squash is also particularly rich in fiber, the perfect ingredient for lowering high cholesterol levels and reducing the potential for atherosclerosis and heart disease.
Colon Health
At 2.52 grams per serving, the abundant fiber content of yellow squash is indispensable for the excretion of toxins from the body and is an extremely important nutrient for the colon's health since it promotes regularity and adds bulk to the stool.
Prostate Health
Yellow squash has been shown to alleviate the symptoms of a condition named benign prostatic hypertrophy, or BPH. A man with BPH suffers from a problematically enlarged prostate gland, leading to difficulties with both urinary and sexual function.
Eye Health
Yellow squash is particularly high in concentrations of beta carotene and lutein. Dietary lutein helps to prevent the onset of cataracts and macular degeneration, which often leads to blindness. A cup of yellow squash provides about 135 micrograms of beta carotene and 2,400 micrograms of lutein.
Healthy Bones
Yellow Squash contains high levels of manganese and vitamin C. Manganese aids in maintaining healthy bone structure, calcium absorption, enzyme creation, and bone building. It also contributes to the mineral density of the spinal column.
Vitamin C aids in the production of collagen, which is essential for the building of bone mass, and magnesium is indispensible to the health of joints and bones. Iron, folate, zinc and phosphorous found in yellow squash all contribute to the mineral health of bones, and help fortify against osteoporosis.

Monday, December 24, 2012

FREE 2 Week Trial at Global Fitness

Global Fitness Link for 2 FREE Weeks:

30 minute Holiday Cardio Blast

Burn off those extra Holiday calories before or after they are consumed with this short 30 min Cardio Blast:

Step 1: Turn on your favorite upbeat holiday music.
Step 2: Stretch all major muscle groups for about 5 minutes.
Step 3: Do each exercise for 45 seconds straight and then take a 15 second rest. Repeat the entire workout twice.Keep track of how many you do and try to beat that number by 1 or 2 in your next round.
                                1. Jumping Jacks
                         2. Alternating Lunges
                         3. Push Ups
                         4. Plank
                         5. Hip Bridge
                         6. Run High Knees
                         7. Crunches
                         8. Chair Dips
                         9. Side Leg Lifts
                         10.  Basic Burpees

Step 4: Stretch all major muscle groups for about 5 minutes.

This Is Only Thirty Minutes!!


Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays!!!
Enjoy your time off with family and friends.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Combat SAD

TORONTO, Dec. 18, 2012 /CNW Group/ - "Many people begin to experience symptoms of seasonal mood changes as daylight hours get shorter - usually in late fall and early winter. Most common is the winter blues, a feeling of less positivity in the winter months, which dissipates when the winter season is over. The most severe of seasonal mood change is seasonal affective disorder or SAD, which is characterized by feelings of hopelessness, lethargy and oversleeping and increases in appetite and weight gain. SAD affects more women than men: up to 80 per cent of those affected by SAD are female."

7 Healthy Ways To Combat SAD:
  1. Spend quality time outside every day. Spend at least fifteen minutes exposed to sunlight in order to increase production of vitamin D in your body. If you cannot get outdoors during daylight hours, try to sit near a sunny window when possible.
  2. Get tested for vitamin D levels in your body. Supplement your diet, if necessary, by taking high quality nutritional supplements.
  3. Exercise at least three to four times a week. There are a number of activities you can do to increase your energy level, such as walking, indoor swimming, dancing, jumping rope, aerobics, or whatever else causes you to move your body.
  4. Try light therapy. Using a light box or dawn simulator works much faster than taking drugs and there are no known side effects unless overused. Follow directions on the product, and you should not have any problem increasing your energy level. Some insurances cover the cost.
  5. Keep a regular schedule. Try to keep your regular waking and sleeping times throughout the whole year. People who work various shifts have the most trouble with SAD in the winter. Try for 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night. Keep your bedroom prepared for sleeping, i.e. remove the big screen TV and relegate it to the den or living room.
  6. Eat seasonal foods. Balance your nutritional needs throughout the year by eating the natural foods God provide throughout the year. Our bodies were created for specific needs and eating what nature provides is a good way to keep our body working at peak level. Avoid eating over processed foods. Eat whole grains and complex carbs.
  7. Listen to Music. Music is known to affect people emotionally in many different ways. Find some music that you enjoy, something that really brightens your heart and makes you feel joy. Let it flow through your house, car or headphones when you start feeling down. Music can distract you and help keep your mind off things like the winter cold and lack of sunlight.
    There are more helpful hints available online. Just google "combating Seasonal Affective Disorder" to find some more ideas that may work for you.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Talking To Your Children About Tragedy

Taken from ChildrensLeague.org

All of us at the Children's League of Massachusetts send our thoughts, prayers and heart-filled condolences to the families, victims and survivors of the tragedy that happened last week at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. Our hearts are broken today for all of those touched by this tragic shooting and hope that we can all come together to help this community in the following days and months.

As you spend time with your families and loves ones we wanted to provide all of you some resources for talking about this tragedy with your children.
Children's League of Massachusetts
11 Beacon Street, Suite 820
Boston, Massachusetts 02108

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Play With Me

Their FAVORITE Toy: You are your child's favorite toy. Remember your child really loves to play with you. Tak time to spend quality time together everyday.

Make MEMORIES: Children remember who took the tim eto play with them and those become lasting memories. Playing with your child also beings you closer together.

Let Kids BE Kids: Celebrate your child's early years with play, crafts, and other fun activities.

PLAY is the Best Fit: Your child will stay fit through active, supervised play and doesn't need to "do exercises" for fitness. If you join them, you also get to some of your physical activity as well.

Adapted from the Choosy Kids Curriculum

New and Improved You!

QUESTION: How many of us have made New Year's Resolutions and then before the first month is even over, we've given up, made excuses for, or completely backed out of our resolution?
ANSWER: All of us. Why? Because resolving to do something without an actual action plan is not realistic.

I found this by Tony Robbins to help us make our resolutions a reality.

Step #1: Select an area of your life that you would like to improve and write down what that area is like for you currently. BE SPECIFIC!! Write the truth. If you can't be honest with yourself, this will never work.

Step #2: Write down the rituals that have shaped your current conditions in this area. BE HONEST!! What are the things that we do everyday that make our situation what is it? How are we contributing to our condition? This is the hard part because it forces us to take the blame and to actually own our lives. No one needs to see this but you. You can't make the necessary changes if you can't honestly and truthfully access who and where you are.

It usually isn't one thing, but many little things. Write them all down.

Step #3: Write down what you want!What's your compelling vision? BE SPECIFIC!! Write down every detail of everything you want. Use all of your senses. What does it look like, smell like, feel like, taste like, and sound like?

Step #4: Write down the rituals that will get you your compelling vision. What would you need to do   differently each day to get what you want? Make a full list of even the little things that seem irrelevant. Making small changes make a huge difference. Once you develop the momentum of making small changes, implementing those into your life and making those a reality, you will be more likely to make others and stick to those changes.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Eating healthier at Work

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables. Eat Less Food High In Fat and Sugar

  • Bring your lunch to work instead of eating out- it will be healthier and you'll save money.
  • Put extra lettuce, tomato and other veggies on sandwiches. If you're eating out, ask for those extra veggies
  • Pack a zip lock bag of cut up fruits or vegetables such as carrot, celery or cucumber sticks, or snack on raisins or other dried fruit instead of candy or potato chips.
  • If your worksite has a vending machine, chose healthy options such as non-fat yogurt; milk and cereal, string cheese sticks, fruit and vegetables or baked veggie chips or 100 calorie snack packs, instead of potato chips.
  • If you worksite has a cafeteria, check the menu board or the menu for healthy options such as grilled lean meats, rice and beans, vegetable soups, non-fat milk, fruit and or vegetables, vegetable salads with low or non-fat dressings.
  • When you do eat out, limit how often you eat fast food, or try healthier options such as salads with grilled fish, chicken, tofu, grilled kabobs or tabouli and hummus in a pita pocket Try asking for substitutes of a salad or carrot sticks instead of french fries.
  • Eat a piece of fruit instead of a sugary dessert. Try berries, peaches, melons and oranges.
  • Bring fresh fruit and vegetable dishes to office parties and potlucks.
  • Swap healthy recipes with your coworkers.
Taken from the Mass in Motion website. Find more at MassinMotion.gov

Casual Friday Workout!

Get ready to look great in those jeans that you can now wear to work on Fridays!
Try this workout at home or do it in pieces at the office:

20 squats
10 wide squats
10 back leg lifts (each leg)
20 plank jacks
10 calf raises
10 side leg lifts (each leg)
20 forward kicks (alternate legs)
Repeat 2 Rounds Total

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Great Video on HIIT.

HIIT: High Intensity Interval Training

HIIT can be successful or anyone and any ability. Intensity is different from person to person. It's a short and proven form of workout that can make a real difference in your life.

For examples of HIIT Workouts click on the Adult Fitness tab that is below the heading and start at the bottom. If you don't recognize any of the names of the exercises you can youtube them. These workouts are 30 minutes long with stretching before and after the workouts. Consult your physician before beginning this or any other fitness/exercise program.

Here is a video put out by New York Times on the benefits of HIIT.

Thank You!!

We would like to extend a GREAT BIG  THANK YOU!
to Norton Insurance and IC Federal Credit Union for their contributions to the Healthy Weight Clinic Rewards Program. They have helped provide resources to the children who are participating in the program to help encourage and reward them for their hard work towards becoming and remaining healthy.

Auto  -  Home  -  Life  -  Annuity
Phone: (978) 343-4188
Fax: (978) 343-0796

For services, locations & hours of operation


Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Please come out and enjoy a FREE LUNCH in celebration of
IL FORNO’S Annual Community Day. Everyone is welcome!

Monday, December 3rd from 11:00a.m. - 2:00p.m.
27 Airport Road, Fitchburg

Lunch includes soup, bread, pasta & meatballs and fruit for dessert! 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

8 Healthy Ways To Boost Energy

Taken from CNN Health Column
Editor's note: Tiffany Barrett is a registered dietician at Emory University's Winship Cancer Institute.
(CNN) -- As our energy levels decrease because of our overstressed lifestyles, many people look for a quick fix to combat fatigue.
Energy drinks mask the symptoms of fatigue and dehydrate the body. The majority of energy drinks contain excess sugar, high levels of caffeine and other stimulants.
Recently, the 5-hour Energy shot and Monster Energy drink have come under fire.
The Food and Drug Administration said this month that 13 deaths have been reported after consumption of 5-hour Energy. Last month, the parents of a 14-year-old girl filed suit, alleging that she died after drinking two Monster Energy drinks in a 24-hour period. Anais Fournier's underlying heart condition was complicated by caffeine toxicity, according to the death certificate.
FDA checks reports on energy shot
Relying on caffeine and energy drinks makes us feel worse in the long run by causing our system to crash.
Continued fatigue decreases the immune system, making us more susceptible to depression and illness.
So what to do? Exercise, sleep and reducing stress are important in fighting fatigue. But our eating habits also directly affect energy levels. And nutrition can affect energy levels throughout the day.
Here are some tips on healthy ways to boost your energy:
Drink water
The body needs water -- multiple glasses a day.
Being hydrated is an easy and inexpensive way to increase energy levels. You don't need vitamin water or sports drinks; they only add extra unneeded calories. Keep a fresh water source with you at all times and drink throughout the day. Add lemons, limes or oranges for taste variety.
Eat breakfast
This is the meal that sets the stage for the entire day. Studies show that breakfast helps keep you alert, starts your metabolism for the day and keeps you satisfied until lunch.
But a healthy breakfast is the key. Good options include whole-grain cereals, breads, fruit and lean protein instead of doughnuts, pastries and white breads. A hard-boiled egg sliced into a whole wheat pita, oatmeal with fruit, and whole-grain toast with natural peanut butter are all healthy choices.
Don't forget protein
Not consuming enough protein during the day can be a primary reason for fatigue. Protein-based foods provide the body with fuel to repair and build tissues. Protein takes longer than carbohydrates to break down in the body, providing a longer-lasting energy source. You can find protein in poultry, fish, lean red meat, nuts, milk, yogurt, eggs, yogurt, cheese and tofu.
Keep your carbs smart
Carbohydrates are the body's preferred source of fuel. Pick whole grains like cereal, brown rice and whole wheat bread, and avoid sweets, which cause energy to plummet. Many processed carbohydrates contain little to no fiber. Always read the nutrition label.
Snacks are important
If you let yourself get too hungry between meals, your blood sugar falls, and you get lethargic. Keep your blood sugar and energy level steady during the day by consuming snacks. Choosing the right snacks prevent peaks and valleys in energy.
Combine complex carbs with a protein and/or fat for lasting energy. The protein and fat slow the breakdown of sugar into the blood, preventing fatigue. Snacks also can prevent overeating at mealtimes. A few examples of smart snack choices are yogurt with fruit, mixed nuts, veggies with hummus, pears with almond butter, whey protein shake or blueberries with a cheese stick. Plan ahead!
Omega-3 fatty acids
Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation, combat depression and improve mood and memory. Try to focus on omega-3 fats from food rather than supplements. Excellent sources include salmon, tuna, walnuts, flax seeds, leafy greens and hemp seeds.
Almonds, walnuts and Brazil nuts are rich in magnesium, a mineral important in converting carbohydrates into energy. Other good sources of magnesium include whole grains and dark green vegetables.
Don't skimp on calories
Skimping on calories decreases your metabolism and causes you to feel lethargic. Keep your energy levels high and increase metabolism by meeting your caloric needs each day. Whole foods are preferred over supplements to obtain protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals instead of one or two single nutrients. Consume a variety of foods for overall health but also to keep your energy levels high

Monday, November 26, 2012

New Week New Challenge New You

Welcome to Monday! It's a new week and time for some "new-ness". So look down and find a NEW exercise to challenge yourself with during the day and the week, a NEW motivational quote, a NEW fun activity to do at home with your child(ren) and some NEW upcoming events.
As much as I enjoy all things nostalgic and sentimental, I like NEW too. Enjoy!

High Knees

For simlified and/or advanced versions of this amazingly beneficial exercise check out the link below:

Motivational Quote

Someone once told me that if its easy then its usually not worth it in the end.

Family Fun at HOME


What You Need:
Using scrap paper cut into strips
regular piece of scrap paper
An old cup or even a can or container that is small and without sharp edges
Crayons, markers, pen
scissors and tape

What To Do:
Think of a bunch of fun things that you and your child can do together (not involving the TV, computer, etc.)
Write each one on a strip of recycled scrap paper
Fold up each strip and throw it in the cup or container
Have your child color a picture on a larger piece of paper that can wrap around the cup or container
Tape it onto the cup or container
Shake the cup and have your child pull out a game and have fun

Some Fun Ideas:
Tic Tac Toe with teddy bears on the floor
Duck Duck Goose with everyone in the house
Hide and Seek
Fitness Contest
Hula Hoop
Balloon Play
Freeze Dance
Crazy Dance
You're a Rock Star (each member gets a chance to perform while the others watch and applaud)
Go For A Walk
Simon Says

Be Consistent:
Providing your child with quality play time everyday is essential to their development and learning. Pull out your cup and let the fun begin. Add different games or activities as time goes on.

Upcoming Events

Here is whats coming up in the weeks to come:

*Friday, December 7, 2012 from 4-7p Boys & Girls Club Family Night with demonstrations and performances. Free of charge. All ages welcome. Come on out and enjoy the night!

*December 9, 2012 at 3p Fitchburg Airport, Children will get to see Santa arrive on a helicopter and meet him and his elves. Children will receive a present and juice and cookies will be served. Grab your camera and be there with your child.
*December 4, 11, 18 (Tuesdays) 10-11:30a at Cleghorn neighborhood Center in Fitchburg, Parent Child Play Groups

Click the UPCOMING EVENTS tab and scroll down to fin dmore info and details of each event.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Question: If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers brings?
Answer: Pilgrims. (hehehe)

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving Tips

Thanksgiving Tips:

*Use smaller plates so you can more easily control your portion sizes.
*Drink lots of water before and during your meals. It helps fill you up so you eat less.
*Have a tall glass of skim or 1% milk with your dessert. It will fill you up faster and may prevent you from going back for that second slice.
*Take the time to sit down and slowly enjoy your dessert. If you take the time to enjoy each taste then you are less likely to need that second piece because the first one was eaten so fast that you don't remember what it taste like.
*Make a commitment with a friend or family member that every time you hear a code word you will do an exercise. For example: FOOTBALL MEANS 10 JUMPING JACKS. Its fun, makes you feel better about eating that extra scoop of stuffing and having a buddy keeps you accountable.
*Hold a contest to see who gets the last piece of ___________. For example: most amount of push ups in one minute, or who can do 20 push ups faster.
*Put on music and let the children do what comes naturally, dance. Join them.
*Enjoy the company of your family and friends. Life is not life without relationships, love, and laughter.  



Join Us for ZUMBA
ONLY $3 (18+)
This Saturday, November 24, 2012 at 10:30a
The Hope Center, River St., Fitchburg, MA

Monday, November 19, 2012


With Thanksgiving coming up lets take a minute to take inventory, of all the the people, things and realities that we are thankful for. Like......

Self Expression      
The abilty to walk   
French Toast
Pay Day
My Bible                
Hand written letters
A vehicle
A job                                       
Crazy Socks                    
Library Card
Drinkable water                        
The Changing Seasons
A place to call home                 
Positive People 

..........just to name a few.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sweet for Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes are not only tasty but they have some great health benefits...
  They are high in Vitamin B6, have Vitamin c, Vitamin D, potassium, iron and magnesium.
  They are high in beta carotene which ward off cancer & protect the body from aging.
  Their natural sugars are released slowly into the bloodstream.
  They are versatile; they can be baked, roasted, pureed, steamed, or grilled.

For more info on the benefits of sweet potatoes check out this website:

Sweet Potato Fries
Preheat oven to 425 degrees
Rinse and chop sweet potatoes in wedges
The thinner the wedges the faster they cook
Add a little bit of olive oil, coarse salt and pepper to taste
Mix thoroughly
Lay on a flat cookie sheet
Cook 15-20 mins, turn over and cook again for 15-20 mins
Inside should be soft and outside should be crispy

Substitute salt and pepper with sprinkles of sugar and cinnamon for a sweet snack

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Happiness is a Choice

Happiness is a choice.
There are SO many reasons to be happy.
What are yours?

Monday, November 12, 2012

Upcoming Family Fun Events & Free Food

Wednesday November 14, 2012
**Rhythm & Movement**
10-11:30a at Family Resource Center at Fitchburg Community Connections

**Child Yoga**
3:30-4:15p at Garden Room at Fitchburg Public Library

Thursday November 15, 2012
**Thanksgiving Dinner**
5-6:30p at Faith United Parish , Fitchburg

**Fuel Up To Play Family Fun Event**
6-7:30p at Crocker Elementary School, Fitchburg

**T.O.P.S. Take Off Pounds Sensibly**
5:30-7p at Fitchburg Public Library

Thursday November 20, 2012
**Cleghorn Neighborhood Center Thanksgiving Dinner**
5-7p at St. Joseph's Church, Fitchburg

FOR MORE INFO AND CONTACT INFO CLICK ON THE "Upcoming Events" Tab, under the header above, and scroll through to find the event and the information.

Happy Veteran's Day

On behalf of Community Health Connections I would like to extend a sincere Thank You on this Veteran's Day to all of our military employees and families, current and past, who have served and put their lives on the line so that we enjoy our daily freedoms. You are GREATLY appreciated!  

Great American Smokeout


The American Cancer Society is marking the 37th Great American Smokeout on November 15 by encouraging smokers to use the date to make a plan to quit, or to plan in advance and quit smoking that day. By quitting — even for one day — smokers will be taking an important step towards a healthier life – one that can lead to reducing cancer risk.
Tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the US, yet about 43.8 million Americans still smoke cigarettes — Nearly 1 in every 5 adults. As of 2010, there were also 13.2 million cigar smokers in the US, and 2.2 million who smoke tobacco in pipes — other dangerous and addictive forms of tobacco. For more information click the link below.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Naturally Fighting the Common Cold

1. Get plenty of sleep. A fatgued body is more susceptable to sickness.

2. Wash your hands with soap and warm water regularly.

3. Use antibacterial lotion or gel when necessary.

4. Eating spicy foods act as a natural decongestant.

5. Drinks lots of water.

6. Tea with honey helps sooth the throat.

7. Keep your home warm and dry. Use a vaporizer or crack a window if it becomes too dry.

8. Limit sugary and junk food. If you give your body the proper fuel (fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole wheats) it needs, your immune system is stronger and better at fighting off viruses.

9. Regular exercise has so many physical benefits including keeping your immune system strong, which helps you fight off and prevent contact of colds and other sicknesses. Heavy breathing helps flush the lungs of bacteia and sweating helps the body remove toxins and waste. 

10. Relax. Stress plays a major role in your body's susceptibility to sickness. Take your 10 minutes, breath, meditate, do yoga, read a book, dance or just go for a slow stroll.

Jumping Jacks

Jumping Jacks are an easy and amazingly beneficial exercise...
*delivers more oxygen to your blood stream,
*is a vigorous exercise; which sharpens your focus and energizes you,
*burns fat,
*is a full body exercise, &
*releases endorphins; which help you get happy, burn fat & relive pain. 

Get up and do 20 jumping jacks. Try to do them every hour on the hour while at work. It takes less than a minute and they'll make you feel better, so your productivity will sore.

**Children learn best by example. If they see you doing them, they are more likely to join you.**

Today's Quote

Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.
~Denis Waitley

No one ever laid there at the end and wished they watched more television or worked more. Be sure to take the time to spend with your family & friends.
Go for a walk together, play tag, have a dance marathon, grocery shop and/or cook together.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Kids Skate Free

Go to this site and register your child and your email address.
You will get 2 FREE passes per week for your child to skate at
Roll On or at any participating skating rink near you.
If you grab a pair of skates from a consignment shop or Play It Again Sports, you just found yourself a Fun and Free Physical Activity for your child as the days get colder and darker.

Jessica's Daily Affirmation

Jessica's Daily Affirmation
This is a few years old but I stumbled upon it again last night and it had the same effect on me.
It is both funny and inspiring. Check it out.
I can do anything great...yeah, yeah....

Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween Candy Ideas

Things To Do With All The Halloween Candy

1. Count out all of the candy with your child. Divide it in half. Bring the other half to work to distribute among co-workers who don't have children.

2. Use the mini pieces of candy as a reward for eating fruits and vegetables. After lunch, if all of your and your child's fruits & vegetables were eaten, treat yourself & your child to one piece of candy. Do the same after dinner. The small portion size of candy keeps your sweet tooth at bay and gives you a nice reward for eating healthy. It is also much smaller than the usual dessert we generally serve ourselves. (If you let your child pick the candy s/he wants and sit it on the table in front of them, they are more likely to clean their plates because the reward is visible.

3. If you had a really good or really bad day and want to indulge in some chocolate. Set a limit of either 2 or 3 pieces and sit down with a tall glass of skim or 1% milk. Enjoy each piece and eat each slowly.  This way you are getting calcium, are filling up with the milk, and enjoying a delicious treat.

4. Use the candy to play a game that encourages movement. I had my daughter and her friend pick 1 piece of candy after dinner. I hid the candy and created a treasure hit that involved them going into every room of the house (up and down the stairs) and doing some physical activity before moving on to the next clue. She had so much fun and was so excited when she found her "treasure". She asked to play again and the next time the treasure was hidden Barbie dolls. It took about 5 minutes to write out the clues and hide the cards. She practiced reading, got some exercise, used her problem solving skills and earned her treat. Try it with your child. Let me know how it goes.


He has has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.
~Thomas Carlyle