Wellness Page Vision

Our vision is to provide quality support to both staff and clients in their personal and professional development of healthier lifestyles.

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Get Some Sleep...For Your Health

Chronic Sleep Deprivation can be linked to...
* type 2 diabetes
* obesity
* heart disease
* kidney disease
* stroke
* cancer
* depression
While You Sleep...
* you produce hormones
* heal damaged blood vessels
* form new brain pathways that help you learn and remember
Reasons to Get To Sleep...
* blood-sugar effects of poor sleep disappear after nine nights of good rest
* makes it easier to eat healthier
* drive without falling asleep or having an accident
* increase productivity at work
* increased ability to learn and remember in work and school
* Keep the same sleep schedule during the week and on weekends.
*Use the hour before bedtime to unwind.
* Keep your bedroom quiet, dark and on the cool side.
* Avoid high protein foods 2-3 hours before bedtime.
* Turn the alarm clock face so that you cannot see the time if you wake in the middle of the night.
* Keep a journal & pen near your bed to write down racing thoughts that might keep you from sleep.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Mass in Motion Kids Art Contest Winners and Article

Mass in Motion Kids Media and Art Contest Winner
Micaiah Williamson, age 9

Read the full article at...


Walking Works

Read this amazing story about how this woman lost half her body size by walking. And, whether you are looking to lose weight, to tone, or to just stay healthy join us for Walking Club or start your own!

Read Taneisha's story at: http://fitbie.msn.com/lose-weight/lose-weight-lower-blood-pressure

Sunday, June 2, 2013

5 Minute Blast Workout

No excuses!!
Get up and get at this 5 minute workout.

30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest. Push straight through and really push yourself to get out as many repetitions as possible (with good form) in the 30 seconds.

*Jumping Jacks
*Push-Ups (modified, off of a stable desk or table, or off of the wall)
*Jumping Jacks
*Centered Squats (Sit back in it and try to not let your knees pass your toes)
*Jumping Jacks

DONE!!! Now, go reward yourself with a delicious and healthy smoothie. (see recipe below)

DELICIOUS Smoothie Recipe

Peach, Berry, Spinach Smoothie
by Martha Stewart

Tried this smoothie this morning for breakfast, all frozen fruit, and added some flavorless protein powder and it was DELICIOUS!!! Even my young child liked it! TRY IT!!
1 cup peach slices (fresh or frozen)
1/2 cup blackberries (fresh or frozen)
1 cup spinach leaves (packed fresh)
1 1/2 cups grape juice (white)
1/2 cup fruit (ice if using fresh)

Friday, May 17, 2013

Motivation: Michelle Obama's Arms

Regardless of your personal opinions and feelings about the President and what he is or isn't doing, one thing is for sure....his wife has great arms!! Lol.The number of upper arm plastic surgery operations has increased over 4,000% since Michelle bared her arms. Instead of spending lots of money on surgery and days, if not weeks, in recovery, opt for a brief daily workout that will give you those lean strong arms. There is a winning combination: strength building exercises and cardio to burn fat. Strength building can be as easy as doing push-ups off of your wall and cardio can include a brisk walk or climbing stairs. If you are into something with more intensity, include jumping jacks, crab kicks or jump roping, and push ups off the floor.

Here is a basic 9 minute workout to get you started. Read < > for intense level.
You have 9 minutes!!
So, stretch and set your timer to 9 minutes.

Minute 1: SOLIDER WALK: Walk in place like a solider, lifting your knees as high as you can.

Minute 2: PUSH-UPS: Find a wall and stand far enough away that your fingers barely touch it. Keep your back flat and lean forward, without moving your feet, towards the wall so your hands are finally laying on the wall. Do as many push-ups as possible during the time. Pause if necessary but try to continue right after. If you need to stop, then stop, after you add 1-2 more.

Minute 3: SOLIDER WALK: Repeat walking with high knees.

Minute 4: CRUNCHES: Lay on the floor, lift your chin off of your chest and keep the space of an apple or orange between your chin and chest. Your hands should be flat at your sides near your hips. Lift your shoulder blades off the floor and try to reach for your knees. Lower. Do as many crunches as possible during the time. Pause if necessary but try to continue right after. If you need to stop, then stop, after you add 1-2 more.

Minute 5: SOLIDER WALK: Repeat walking with high knees.

Minute 6: CHAIR SQUATS: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart in front of a sturdy chair. If necessary, place the chair up against the wall for added support. Extend your arms out in front of you for balance. Sit back into the chair and as soon as your buttock touches the chair, stand back up! Clench your glutes muscles as you rise to get maximum muscle effort. Do as many chair squats as possible during the time. Pause if necessary but try to continue right after. If you need to stop, then stop, after you add 1-2 more.
Minute 7: SOLIDER WALK: Repeat walking with high knees.

Minute 8: CALF RAISES: Stand with legs shoulder width apart. Rise onto your toes, using your chair or wall for balance. Lower back to flat feet. Repeat and try to get as high as possible. Do as many calf raises as possible during the time. Pause if necessary but try to continue right after. If you need to stop, then stop, after you add 1-2 more.

Minute 9: SOLIDER WALK: Repeat walking with high knees.

 That was a 9 minute full body workout with strength building and cardio!
Beginners repeat 2-3x/wk, Intermediates: 3-5x/wk & Advanced: Daily. 

REMEMBER: You can't workout and then feed your body junk. It needs the right foods and drinks to maintain, change and get stronger and healthier. Increase your vegetable and fruit intake, increase your water intake and decrease your intake of sugary or white starchy foods.
(BONUS: Put on music and get the kids involved. Nine minutes to a healthier you and them.)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


This Saturday, May 18th from 9a-12p IC Federal Credit Union is giving away brand new helmets for children. It is strongly recommended that you get there early and bring your child to ensure they get the right size helmet.
IC Credit Union
300 Bemis Rd
Fitchburg, Ma 

Leominster Library This Sunday!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Asian American Health and Wellness Fair

Asian American Health  and Wellness Fair
Saturday, May 18, 2013 at 8:30a.m.-3:00p.m.

Free and OPEN to the Public!

Coolidge Park, John Fitch Highway (Rain   Location: Boys & Girls Club of Fitchburg/ Leominster, 365 Lindell Ave. Leominster, MA).
MOC Fun N’ FITchburg, Three Pyramids/The Minority Coalition, Spanish American Center, LUK, Inc., Community Engagement Services, Heywood Hospital, Health Alliance Hospital, Montachusett Home Care, Boys & Girls Club, BWR/YWCA, Pathways for Change, Fitchburg Farmers Market, Asian Task Force-Boston will all have health information booths/tables at the fair. Family activities will include: Families in Motion 3 Laps Walk/Run and the first 50 people will receive a Free T-Shirt. Volleyball, Ping Pong, Hmong Top Spin, games and prizes  and more.

Free and OPEN to the Public!
Funded in part by CHNA9, North Central MA. The May 18th Health Fair is being organized by the United Hmong of Massachusetts.
For more information or to register contact: Train Wu at 978-235-1041.

Women's Health Exercise-Junk Food Guide

Friday, May 3, 2013

Why Walk?

Top 10 REASONS to walk...

*Decrease the risk of heart attack/ type 2 diabetes.
*Control weight and burns body fat
*Improve muscle tone and bone density
*Reduces Stress
*Increases energy, stamina and metabolism
*Lowers high blood pressure and LDL (bad cholesterol)
*Improves efficiency of your heart and lungs
*Reduce symptoms of PMS, back pain and arthritus
*Can improve wellness, fitness, and happiness
*Increase plasma in body and decreasing chances of blood

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Join us from 4-7p at the Fitchburg Art Museum for the Farmer's Market, Free admission to the museum and its Art in Bloom exhibit and Strengthening Families will be there so that your little ones (ages 3-10) can make May Baskets and fill them with goodies.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

10 Ways to Increase Your Metabolism

1. Eat breakfast. Every. Single. Day. Skipping breakfast sends your body into starvation mode and slows down your metabolism. So, eat something, even if its light every day and jump start your metabolism.
2. DRINK WATER! Studies have found that people who drink 8-12 8oz cups of water per day, have a highter metabolic rate.
3. Sneak protein into every meal. That protein helps build and maintain lean muscle mass. And, muscle burns more calories than fat, even at rest. 
4. Have a cup of green tea. The brew has a plant compound in it called ECGC, which  promotes fat burning and is known as the closest thing to a metabolism potion.
5. Lift iron and eat iron. Including some form of weight training into your workouts 2-3x week creates tiny tears in your muscles. The body rushes to repair those tears by attacking the fat in your body and  thereby increasing your metabolism.Then, have something green and leafy, like spinach, bok choy and broccoli. Replacing lost iron in the blood boosts your metabolism by adding oxygen to your blood and your muscles. The more that your body works the more fat you are burning.
6. Get spicy! Adding spices (like chili peppers or chili powder) to your food will increase your body's temperature and when your sympathetic nervous system starts to work in overtime to regulate your temperature, your metabolic rate increases.
7. Fishy fishy. Eating salmon will not only increase your intake of Vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, which keeps you fuller longer.
8. Skip the second drink. The liver starts to use the alcohol for energy instead of the fat that already exists in the body.
9. Hit the sack early! Adults who get 7.5-9 hours of sleep per night will increase their metabolism by allowing the body the proper amount of time to digest and repair. The harder the body works, the more calories it is burning.
10. Don't stress over your slips. Stress increases the body's cortisol and cortisol holds onto fat. If you ate that double banana sundae with all the toppings, don't beat yourself up about it. Enjoy it and consider it a treat. Then, move on. Consider that to be your treat for the day or a few days or week and go forward.

Walk TODAY!!


Join us at Fitchburg CHC TODAY Wednesday, April 24 from 12-12:30p for National Walk at Lunch. If you cannot make it here, please get together a group of co-workers, grab your sneakers and head out for some fresh air and great physical, mental and emotional benefits.

Meet us in the Fitchburg CHC lobby at 11:55a.
First 10 participants get a pedometer.
Fresh fruit at display table following the walk.
Hope to see you there.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

7 Ways to Get Healthier In Under A Minute

1. When sitting for long periods of time, get up and take a walk or go up and down the stairs. Move for 30-60 seconds.
2. Take 30-60 seconds a day focusing fully on a loved one. Go through a mental list of why they are so amazing, or recall a lovely situation. It helps boost endorphins and gives you a great reason to smile.
3. Throw a handful of beans in your salad, soup, salsa, or pasta sauce for an extra boost of protein and fiber. Protein helps give you energy and fiber keeps you full.
4. Add an egg a day. It helps increase HDL levels (good cholesterol) which helps with memory loss and it does not increase LDL levels.
5. When you get home, take off your shoes, lay on the floor or your bed, put your legs in the air, grab your toes and pull. It improves circulation and stretches tense muscles.
6. Do 10-25 jumping jacks.
7. Nuke your dish sponge in a bowl of water with a tablespoon of vinegar for 1 minute. It kills germs, mold spores, bacteria, etc.

Monday, April 22, 2013

National Walk at Lunch Day: This Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Join us at Fitchburg CHC this Wednesday, April 24 from 12-12:30p for National Walk at Lunch. If you cannot make it here, please get together a group of co-workers, grab your sneakers and head out for some fresh air and great physical, mental and emotional benefits.

Meet us in the Fitchburg CHC lobby at 11:55a.
First 10 participants get a pedometer.
Fresh fruit at display table following the walk.
Hope to see you there.

More Reasons To Eat Sushi

Salmon Avocado Roll

Click here to read the full article on why the Salmon Avocado Roll can help you live longer.


Friday, April 19, 2013

The Best Candy for Weight Loss BEST CANDY FOR WEIGHT LOSS

Women's Health Magazine

YumEarth Organics Sour Worms
$2 per bag, Whole Foods Market

Per Bag (10 worms): 176 cal, 0 g fat, 36 g carbs, 0 mg sodium, 0 g fiber, 0 g protein, 20 g sugar

Skinny Cow Divine Filled Chocolates in Peanut Butter Creme
$1, skinnycow.com for stores

Per 3-Piece Serving (1 package): 130 cal, 7 g fat (4 g sat), 17 g carbs, 80 mg sodium, 0 g fiber, 1 g protein, 15 g sugar

Sweetriot Cacao Nibs
$4 per tin, Wegmans

Per 1-Oz Tin: 140 cal, 10 g fat (5 g sat) 14 g carbs, 0 mg sodium, 2 g fiber, 2 g protein, 7 g sugar

Unreal 8
$1.29, CVS

Per Bar: 200 cal, 12 g fat (5 g sat), 25 g carbs, 90 mg sodium, 5 g fiber, 5 g protein, 17 g sugar

$2.10, naturalcandystore.com

Surf Sweets Jelly Beans
Per 31-Piece Serving (1/2 bag):
140 cal, 0 g fat, 34 g carbs, 35 mg sodium, 0 g fiber, 0 g protein, 29 g sugar>

GoNaturally Organic Candies
Per 4-Piece Serving: 60 cal, 0 g fat, 15 g carbs, 0 mg sodium, 0 g fiber, 0 g protein, 10 g sugar

New Informative Breast Feeding Website

NEW Informative Breast Feeding Website

Monday, April 15, 2013

Mr. MagicHead

Children’s Aid & Family Service Presents
A "Strengthening Families" Program Event

Magic & Laughter with The Stupendous Mr. Magichead

Thursday, April 18, 2013 Show begins promptly at 1:00p.m.
For ages 3-8 (siblings welcome) Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Fitchburg Public Library Auditorium
610 Main Street
Fitchburg, MA 01420

Sweet Corn & Black Bean Salsa

Sweet Corn & Black Bean Salsa

1/2 cup red onion, chopped
1 1/2 cup ripe tomato, chopped
1 can yellow corn
1 can black beans
1 1/2 cup cilantro, chopped
1 tblsp canola oil
1 tblsp fresh lime juice
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/8 tsp salt
ground pepper to taste

Monday, March 25, 2013

Fun, Food, Bike, Walk, Talk, Stuff....

*Mass in Motion Family Fun Hour
Mass in Motion family Fun Hour at Reingold Elementary School Thursday March 28, 2013 from 6-7p. Come by for story time, coloring, light refreshments, craft, activity, and each child leaves with a FREE book. Flyer attached.

*Cooking With Kids Family Night: Pizza Party and Game Night!
Also on Friday March 29th we still have spots for your 3-8 year olds for a pizza making/eating and game night at the Arc of  Opportunity on Main St. at 5:30 (siblings welcome) must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver. Please RSVP to JIm at 978-343-6662 ext.125. Kids will design and bake their own creations for themselves and their family and enjoy game night.  Flyer attached

*Massachusetts SRTS and Saris Bike Poster Contest! Entries due April 1st!
The Bikes Make Life  Poster Contest is national competition for 5th grade students and supports Mass in Motion’s and Safe Routes to School’s goals to encourage kids to ride their bikes more frequently, increase their physical activity and enjoy getting exercise outdoors! Participating schools will submit entries to the Massachusetts Safe Routes to School program by April 1.  A first place winner will be selected to represent the Commonwealth in the national contest and receive a new bike provided by Saris Cycling Group. Second and Third Place winners will receive gear to make their bike ride safer and fun. The Massachusetts first place winner will then compete for the national prize - a chance to attend the 2014 National Bike Summit in Washington DC and an exclusive bicycle parking and tracking system known as The Hub for their school! Contest rules, promotional posters, and entry forms are attached. Please contact Lauren Robinson at the Massachusetts Safe Routes to School program for more information – lauren.a.robinson@state.ma.us. Poster is attached.

*HIV Awareness Walk
Flyer attached. PLEASE JOIN US FOR A  RALLY. Refreshments, Give Aways, Speakers Fitchburg State University 353 North Street Weston Auditorium 4:00p.m.– 6:00p.m.   

*Make Your Voice Heard In Turning the Vacant Lots of Fitchburg into Something the City Can Use!
If you’re interested in turning Fitchburg’s vacant lots from neighborhood problems into neighborhood assets, please participate in this IMPORTANT Heath Impact Assessment!  The Health Impact Assessment (HIA) will help us learn how the strategies we are considering will impact our community’s health.  Please see the flyer attached and invite a friend! WHEN: THURSDAY APRIL 4 * 5-8 pm WHERE:  Madonna of the Holy Rosary 118 Theresa St, Fitchburg  A light dinner will be available!  RSVP by March 29th to Eric R. Smith, AICP, Principal Planner at esmith@mrpc.org or (978)345-7376 ext. 319. Flyer attached.

*Sign your child(ren) up at www.KidsSkateFree.com  and www.KidsBowlFree.com for FREE passes to  skating and bowling for some great fitness fun!
*Fitchburg YMCA is ONLY $1 per day for students of Fitchburg. Also, BRING A BUDDY FREE on Thursdays. Call for more info (978) 343-4847.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Mass In Motion Kids Health Fair
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Fitchburg State University
Main Lounge, Hammond Building
160 Pearl Street
Fitchburg, MA 01420
Click on MiM Kids Health Fair to see participating businesses

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Next Wednesday, Be There!

Mass In Motion Kids Health Fair
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Fitchburg State University
Main Lounge, Hammond Building
160 Pearl Street
Fitchburg, MA 01420
Click on MiM Kids Health Fair to see participating businesses.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Cheap Zumba Classes

Zumba Fitness Classes
Current Schedule

TUESDAYS: March 5-April 30 * 6:30p-7:30p

(NO CLASSES 3/12, 4/2, 4/9) 

$8 per class or pre-register for $35 of all classes

SATURDAYS: March 16-April 20 * 9a-10a & 10:30a-11:30a 
(NO CLASS 3/20)

$8 per class or pre-register for $25 of all classes

*All classes start promptly. Please arrive at least 5 minutes before class schedule start time.
*Free child care available for children 5 & under for Pre-Registrations ONLY.
*All fitness levels welcome. Ages 18+.
*8 participants needed to hold class.
*Aerobics, flexibility & strength training.
*Need a water bottle, mat & towel.
*Pay be cash or check.
*Must complete Instructor/ Hope Center liability forms.
Need more info?
Contact Aretha Taggart at
The Hope Center
112 River St, Fitchburg
 (978) 342-1829 

And Now You Know...

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 12p-12:30p....Join the CHC Walk at Lunch Club. Cover about a mile of walking, get some fresh air and re-energize. Open to anyone and everyone.

Wednesday March 20, 2013 from 5:30-7:30p...Join us for some family fun and learn about different ways to stay healthy. Area businesses and agencies will be joining and there are lots of great raffles, giveaways, demos, face painting, and more! FREE and open to the public.

Thursday March 28, 2013 from 6-7p...Join us for some reading, a craft, some activities, and every child leaves with a book. Light refreshments and snack will be served.

Thursday March 18, 2013 from 8:30a-2p at the Boys and Girls Club of Fitchburg and Leominster. Find more info at www.youth-summit.org

Saturday April 20, 2013 from 9-12p. Find out more info by calling 978.343.4847

Wednesday April 24, 2013 from 12-12:30p. Join us after in the CHC lobby for a light healthy snack and fitness information.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Easy Healthy Deliciousness

What you need:
3/4 cup frozen corn or 1 small can corn
3/4 cup frozen peas or 1 small can peas
1-2 cups of brown rice
2 large chopped red potatoes
1 cup chopped carrots
2 tbsps sofrito
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp of all seasoning
1 chopped and/or minced garlic
1/2 finely chopped small onion
add sea salt and pepper to taste
2 cups of low sodium and msg free chicken stock

I added leftover previously cooked chicken, pulled it from the bone and chopped it up nicey nice and threw that in as well for protein.

How to prepare:
Put all veggies, rice and seasonings in pot or crock pot.
Mix thoroughly.
Add chicken stock and mix again.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
On stove, leave on medium heat 1- 1 1/2 hr
In crock pot, high for 4 hours, stir intermittently if possible.
It is done when the potatoes are tender and brown rice is fully fluffed.
Serve hot.


We can all take away something from this song.
I don't know about you but this motivates me when I have a long list of excuses of why I deserve to sit on the couch. It starts my workout every time.
Get up! You are a FIGHTER!!

Thursday’s QUICK TIP:  For great arms, Try doing push-ups off of your desk and/or dips from a stationary chair while waiting for the bathroom, your food to heat up or your tea to boil. It’s a great way to increase energy, burn a few calories, build muscle and stay warm. Keep a running tab on a stickie on your desk of how many you do daily. Try and add 1-2 to your tally per day or week.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Great Links For A Healthier Family

Ways to get your kids to try their veggies....check out this article:

Great website for fun activities in and out of the house to get your young children moving:

Fun and silly kids yoga you can do at home:

Great workouts for teens and adults who are not afraid to push themselves:

For others looking for something quick to do and get in a 10 minute workout, try this:
* Squats 10 (Simplified: use a chair, Advanced: add a jump)
* Plank Hold 30 seconds (Simplified: go to your knees when necessary, Advanced: hold for 1 minute)
* Jumping Jacks 20 (Simplified: do only 10, Advanced: place hands behind head and stay in low squat)
* Crunches 15 (Simplified: do 10, Advanced: Do 20 and pull knees in and touch heels while crunching.)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Monday, Wednesday & Friday

CHC Walking Club

Walking is one of the simplest and safest aerobic exercises you can do. It will help you strengthen your bones, control your weight, and condition your heart and lungs.

· Decrease the risk of heart attack/ type 2 diabetes
· Control weight/ burns body fat
· Improve muscle tone
· Reduce Stress
· Increases energy
· Lowers high blood pressure
· improves efficiency of your heart and lungs

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
(begins March 4, 2013)
Meet in front lobby with sneakers on.

Let’s get healthier together!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Friday, March 1, 2013

Harlem Wizards Coming To Town

Harlem Wizards vs. Gearheads
Monty Tech Fitchburg, MA
March 4, 2013 at 7pm
Advance Prices: $8 students & seniors/ $10 general admission
Door Prices: $10 students & seniors/ $12 general admission

Get your tickets at: 50/50 Diner 440 River Street Fitchburg or Family Martial Arts Center 68 Airport Rd #5 Fitchburg or online at www.harlemwizards.com

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mass in Motion Kids Health Fair

Mass In Motion Kids Health Fair
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Fitchburg State University
Main Lounge, Hammond Building
160 Pearl Street

Snack Tip

Popcorn made the old fashioned way on the stove is a healthful and inexpensive snack. For just pennies, you can make a huge bowful of popcorn sprinkled with seasoned salt. Plus, oil-popped corn has only 55 calories per cup and it's a whole grain.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

5 SuperFruits You Should Be Eating


Here’s the List

  1. Blueberries: While many exotic fruits, such as the acai berry, have been hyped in recent years as the secret to health and weight loss, many of the same health benefits found in these Brazilian berries can also be found in your local produce section. U.S.-grown blueberries contain an abundant amount of antioxidants, which help fight free radicals in the body and are available at a fraction of the cost of their exotic cousins.
  2. Plums: Even more inexpensive than blueberries, studies have shown that plums actually match or exceed the number of antioxidants found in blueberries. Research indicates that plums may also have cancer fighting properties.
  3. Cranberries: Like blueberries and plums, cranberries have very high levels of antioxidants and phytochemicals which aid in disease prevention by neutralizing free radicals in the body. Cranberries also contain vitamin C, dietary fiber, manganese and as well as a number of other essential micronutrients.
  4. Cherries: Often overshadowed by other fruit, cherries have emerged as a superfruit as well. Cherries contain a unique blend of antioxidants and beneficial phytonutrients that have been known to improve heart health and also have anti-inflammatory properties.
  5. Grapes: Like the rest of the fruits in this list, grapes contain a high level of antioxidants and phytonutrients. Many of the phytonutrients found in grapes are now believed to play a role in longevity.
You’ll notice a common theme in this list. Our 5 superfruits you should be eating list is made up entirely of red, purple and blue berries. Blackberries, gooseberries, raspberries and currants could also be added to this list. They all contain high levels of antioxidants and studies have shown that people who eat a diet high in antioxidants have a lower risk of heart disease, cancer and several other diseases.

Top 10 Worse American Restaurant Meals...


You will be surprised, disgusted or really sad. Check it out...

Monday, February 25, 2013

Quote of the week

"The difference between the POSSIBLE and the IMPOSSIBLE lies in a person's DETERMINATION." ~Tommy Lasorda

(taken at the MOC Office on Prichard St. Fitchburg)


Doing something nice for someone doesn't have to cost much, contributes to workplace wellness and is nice for both the giver and the receiver. A co-worker gave me an orange this morning and I have to admit that it really brightened up my day. It was a very sweet, simple and unexpected gesture that made me realize that my week is off to a great start.

Here are 7 fun facts about oranges:

1. Oranges and orange blossoms have long been symbols of love.

2. Oranges were once considered the fruit of the gods; they were referred to as the "golden apples" that Hercules stole.

3. An orange is actually a type of berry called the hesperidium.

4. Oranges have vitamin C, calcium, folacin, potassium, thiamine, hiacin, & magnesium.

5. Running orange peels through the disposal gives your kitchen that lovely citrus smell and boiling the peels will coat your entire house in the fragance.

6. Orange peels are great astrigents and can be used to treat acne prone skin. Make a paste of the peel and a little of the juice, put on skin for 15 mins & rinse.

7. Orange peel oils are a great moisturizer and keep pesky ants and mosquitos away.

So, the next time you enjoy an orange, enjoy all of the other things it can do for you too!